Installed at Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Curtain Call was made from over 7,000 found and collected candy wrappers and tied into bows that danced and swayed with every gentle waft of air.
Curtain Call
candy wrappers, thread, tape
13ft x 22ft x 7ft
Installation view from interior angle.
Curtain Call
candy wrappers, thread, tape
13ft x 22ft x 7ft
View looking upwards to how Curtain Call accentuates the dynamic architecture of Cesar Pelli.
Curtain Call
candy wrappers, thread, tape
13ft x 22ft x 7ft
Installed at Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Curtain Call was made from over 7,000 found and collected candy wrappers and tied into bows that danced and swayed with every gentle waft of air.
Curtain Call, detail of wrappers
candy wrappers, thread, tape
13ft x 22ft x 7ft
Installed at Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Curtain Call was made from over 7,000 found and collected candy wrappers and tied into bows that danced and swayed with every gentle waft of air.
candy wrappers thread, satin ribbon
8ft 12ft x 1ft
Installed at Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa, Folly consisted of over 10,000 hand tied candy wrappers into bows. This piece loosely functioned as a step and repeat photo backdrop for the public.
candy wrappers, thread, satin ribbon
8ft x 12ft x 7ft
Installed at Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa, Folly consisted of over 10,000 hand tied candy wrappers into bows. This piece loosely functioned as a step and repeat photo backdrop for the public.